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Tim Smith, AppNexus | BigData NYC 2017
Big Data Means Big Business: Find Out How It Affects You
[TED Ed VietSub] Big Data - Tim Smith
The era of blind faith in big data must end | Cathy O'Neil
Tom Smith from ONS
Douglas McCauley Protects the Oceans with Big Data: Humans of the Year
Preventing a Financial Crisis: Why China Won't Open Its Economy (w/ Chris Balding)
Lessons Learned: Maximizing Yield Across Direct and Programmatic Sales Channels
Former Google data scientist: Don’t blame the internet for dividing the country
Mike Nolet, CTO of AppNexus: Ad Platform Building for Scale with NoSQL, MySQL, Hadoop & More!
Panel 2: Homelessness, Housing, Health & Big Data
Metamarkets - Big Data TV